Introductory statement

The new Brookhaven School is a provision for pupils with Autism and / or Speech, Language and Communication difficulties. The curriculum aims to prepare the pupils for happy and successful lives by developing their talents and raising their aspirations. 

The Academy’s Admissions Policy reflects the fact that the Academy is an inclusive school that brings together families from all backgrounds, and makes an important contribution to community cohesion. It aims to serve the whole community and is committed to bringing people together from different cultural, religious and social backgrounds.

Admissions to the School 

The School is a special school which provides 80 places for children of both sexes in the age range 11-16 with Autism and / or Speech, Language and Communication difficulties. 

For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by a local authority, in the child’s education health and care plan (‘EHCP’). 

Parents wishing their children to benefit from our provision should ask their local authority to name our school in their child’s EHCP. 

A local authority can also refer a child to the school  to be assessed for an EHCP plan or following a change in the child’s circumstances for his or her needs to be assessed or reassessed. Any assessment should be completed within the 20 weeks set out in the SEND Code. 

Children being assessed for an EHCP will be dual registered and return, full time, to their mainstream school if the LA decides not to issue an EHCP. 

For further information on our school, and the process for obtaining a place here please contact us by CLICKING THE BUTTON BELOW:

To refer a child in this way requires the agreement of the school’s home local authority (if the school is in another local authority area), the school and the child’s parents, or the student when he or she is a post 16 student.