‘Best in Class’ learning and teaching: how we implement our curriculum. Effective teaching ensures engagement and is underpinned by effective planning; we support colleagues in thinking about ways in which they: use assessment information to plan for all pupils; develop a motivation for learning; present new learning; dedicate adequate time to practising and embedding knowledge and skills securely; review learning; challenge and extend thinking; provide engaging opportunities which sequence and scaffold learning, building on each component to develop a secure composite of learning in the longer term. We promote the most effective mechanisms for feedback which are based on what really makes a difference to learning. We expect and enable all pupils to be active participants, engaged in their learning. 



‘Best in Class’ Teaching: How we Implement our Curriculum


All SET schools ensure that:


There is an unswerving focus on the quality of learning and teaching. CPD is tightly linked to the monitoring of teaching and learning and there are a range of mechanisms for sharing good practice. 


Learning and Teaching is on every agenda with opportunities to share best practice.


Teachers follow a simple cycle of assess, plan, teach, review.


Teachers use both formative and summative assessment information to understand the bespoke needs of their learners - every lesson, every day.


Schemes of work and lessons are designed to promote opportunities for pupils to practise skills and embed knowledge in a range of situations.


Teachers revise and revisit material previously covered, knowing that newly learned material needs to be reviewed in order to be remembered. This approach is shown in schemes of work and lesson planning.


Timely and appropriate feedback is provided to inform pupils (and parents / carers) of their next steps in learning.


Teachers, teaching assistants and those responsible for teaching and learning have opportunities to reflect, discuss and collaborate about each pupil's learning and what is needed to help them to improve further.


Appropriate use is made of technology to help pupils to improve and to support teachers in their teaching.


There is an appropriate level of challenge for all. The climate in lessons encourages pupils to think hard and use a range of support materials to help them in their learning.


There are opportunities for pupils to independently extend their learning beyond the classroom.


Leaders and teachers respond in a timely and effective manner to the changing national landscape.


One size fits one: High quality, personalised support which enables inclusion.  

We use a broad spectrum of information about our students to nurture strong and positive professional relationships; this information helps us to plan our lessons, provide bespoke learning opportunities, extension, support and therapeutic interventions. We are inclusive in all that we do and seek out solutions where we identify barriers to learning.  We recognise talent and provide opportunities to build on this.


A positive climate and environment for learning: the ongoing recognition of effort, achievement, resilience and the promotion of relentless aspirant determination within clearly established classroom routines and procedures which enable learning to be maximised. Our classrooms and learning spaces are well organised and are fully conducive to supporting high quality learning.


Learning to lead: we are privileged to work with the leaders of the future. Through our curriculum, our teaching and through the provision of identified leadership opportunities in our schools, we develop leadership skills and capabilities to prepare our learners for the future. All adults in our schools are leaders and fully embrace the role that they play in modelling and promoting positive leadership behaviours through what they do, say and the way that they communicate on a day-to-day basis.


The central education team at Shaw Education Trust are all experienced school leaders, including former Her Majesty’s Inspectors, current Ofsted Inspectors and National Leaders of Education. School Improvement Directors (SIDs) work with school leaders to support improvement and to ensure that judgements are sound and based on comprehensive evidence.

We conduct regular reviews and ‘Health Checks’ at subject and whole school level to ensure that we have a fully rounded picture of strengths and areas for development for each school and can target support effectively.

All of our school leaders use a comprehensive array of quality assurance systems. This includes lesson observation, work scrutiny, learning walks, pupil and parent questionnaires. School leaders evaluate all aspects of their quality assurance information to make well-rounded judgements about the quality of curriculum implementation.